About Laura

body and movement , conscious movement, kilibra

Kilibra, body – mind – movement is the result of a long experience that materializes in the creation of this  space that offer services that integrates body and mind.

As a child, the expression through the body opened up the possibility of communicating with the world from authentic corners of my interior. The dance allowed me to connect with the sensitivity of movement, expression and creativity.

Subsequently, I learned to know the balanced use of my body with the Alexander Technique, the subtleties of coordination, through a beautiful and refined dialogue between body and mind. A work on the discovery and curiosity of myself, which continues to surprise and enrich me every day.

Laura Martínez Martínez, kilibra cos . ment . moviment, Alexander Technique

Teaching the Technique offers me a continuos learning process  because working with each of my students unfolds the possibility to flourish their truth authenticity, in a serene, connected and integrated way. It highlights at the potential of work and the benefits that practical training, as they learn to stop, listen and guide themselves in a constructive way. 

In my search to integrate the body and mind, to understand the emotion in the body, I trained as a Dance/movement therapist, an experience in which my knowledge joins and expands to the dimension of the psyche and the role of the body in the path of consciousness and the healing of deep wounds. It opens dialogue and respect with myself and the others.

My degree in psychology allows me to meet my different experiences  with the body and the mind with emotional processes.

Kilibra, body – mind – movement arises from the need to unite all my experiences and work from different paths that gives me the possibility of offering you a space if you are looking for this connection body and mind, it is an integrating look in a respectful direction of consciousness and healing.

My training:

Contemporary Dance at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona, 1989.

Alexander Technique teacher at ATON school in the Netherlands, 2003.

Master of Dance Movement Therapy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014.

Degree in Psychology. Mentioned in Assessment and clinical intervention. mentioned in health psychology in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2024.


I am a member of:

Association of Teachers of the Alexander Technique in Spain (APTAE).

Association of Dance Movement / Therapy in Spain (ADMTE).

 Col.legiada nº 33187  al Col.legi de Psicòlegs de Catalunya.


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